First, I just want to say that if you ever have a chance to camp in south Texas in July, don't. Not unless you want to punish yourself.
This is the gator that I almost tripped over. Neither Adam nor I saw it until we were about 8 feet away. That will really wake you up.
But, all in all, it was great to spend a couple of days living a simple life. When I get to a cooler climate, I gotta do more of this.
We also got to look through the telescopes at the George Observatory. We got to see globular cluster M13 and the Ring Nebula. It was darn cool to see them in person.
Secondly, and on the same theme, if anyone asks you to help roof in Oklahoma in July, don't do that either.
Oh man, that was hot. I had to keep remembering to take lots of breaks and I've never drank that much water in my life. (but because I did those two things, I didn't have any problems)
The heat was unbearable. But it was great to spend time with family. I'd loved to have stayed for longer, but I needed to get back home.
Now I've got to kick it into gear and get the house prepared to go on the market. It's been too easy for me to get lulled into not getting much done during the day. I'm still in "work mode" where my time at home is relaxation time--not work time.