30 October, 2009

Updates and a new blog

Nothing exciting, but below are a couple of updates.

Also, I wanted to tell everyone (both of the readers I have left) to watch for an announcement of a new blog on Sunday, 1-Nov. I'm doing something new.

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 6

I've been out of this habit lately and am working on getting back to the routine.

I took a few days and went riding ATV's and camping in Arkansas with the family. A week later, I spent a long weekend in Oklahoma catching up with some people. So I decided to temporarily suspend the polyphasic sleep. It just seemed unfair to ask everyone to stop riding ATV's in the mountains a couple times a day so I could take a nap.

So I've been trying to get back into it. And I've got to say that readjusting this time has been *much* easier. My only real stumbling block is that when the alarm goes off, I have a habit of hitting "snooze" several times. (I'm just too darn comfy in bed)

That started to annoy me, so I stayed up late last night and wrote an alarm clock application for my laptop. I set the alarm and pick an MP3 to have it wake me up to. When the alarm goes off, I have to answer 3 randomly-generated math questions. (i.e. "What is 37 + 24?") After I have answered all 3 correctly, the alarm shuts off.

It needs a little tweaking yet, but I can attest that it works. It's effective, if jarring.

Vacation is over

Oh man, the last few months have been nice. It's been an extended vacation where I've had very little responsibilities. I've caught-up on a bunch of reading and movies. I got to take some vacations. I generally got to do whatever with my time that I wanted.

That is--within financial constraints. Not working is nice insofar as I don't have to be anywhere or do anything. But without some kind of real income, I'm still very limited in what I can do with that time.

That's not to say that there's nothing left to do that's cheap / free. There's lots of that still left out there. But I've got specific things I still want to do, and those things cost money.

So, that means that I've finally hit the point where I'm bored. I want to move on and get to the point where I can start doing these other things.

I don't want a full-time job yet, so I'm looking into short-term and part-time opportunities. I've been working with a couple of recruiters and trying to find a good fit for a 3-6 month contract somewhere. I've had a couple of interviews, but nothing has happened yet. I'm sure it will if I persist.

Can someone please explain to me...

...what was so scary about 'Event Horizon'?

I don't remember seeing it before--it must have slipped by me. So, with the Halloween season near, I finally sat down and watched it. Maybe I fell asleep during an important part or something, but it just didn't do anything for me.

Now, please don't misunderstand--I love horror / suspense / sci-fi movies. I *wanted* to like it. But after seeing it listed on everyone's "scary movie" list, I was really disappointed.

Update: I re-watched 'Jaws' the other day and just realized how good that movie is. Mr. Spielberg is a genius.

06 October, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 5

Well, I've learned a bit more since the last update. Once you get started, the sleep schedule is not very flexible at all. If you miss a nap or move it by more than a couple of hours, it causes real problems.

I've been getting complacent and not taking my new schedule seriously. At some point, I got a little arrogant and thought that I could just sleep when I wanted and still keep those extra 4 hours.

I've been charting my sleeping over the past few days (yes, I'm a data dork) and I've been over-sleeping more and more. I've been skipping naps and scheduling them only when they are convenient. And when I'm awake, I'm more tired than have been.

I actually got to the point over the last couple of days where I've been wondering if it's worth it. But now I think it's just that I haven't been faithful to the schedule. I'm re-doubling my effort and getting back to a strict schedule.

I really love my extra time during the day, and I don't want to give it up. I just need to discipline myself. If I want these extra hours, I have to work for it--it doesn't come free.

(However, I think when I'm camping in the Ozarks this weekend, I'll probably revert to a monophasic sleep schedule for those few days. Otherwise, I'll be awake for most of the night and there isn't much to do when you're sitting in the woods in complete darkess for hours.)