Let's see if I can get a few updates in one long post...
The Plan
I want to spend less time working in a crappy, faceless cubicle and want to spend more time traveling. I don't want to live in the southwest anymore. And while I could completely change careers, I'd like to still be able to earn a respectable living.
So, as of now, the working plan looks like this:
1) Get 2 specific technical certifications that should make my services in demand.
2) Fix-up the house and find a management company to lease and manage it for me.
3) Find a consulting company that will give me a job (using the skills learned in #1) that has me traveling as much as possible.
I don't plan to really limit where I look for a job (except for TX, OK, KS, etc..), but I'll probably focus in the Chicago, D.C. and Seattle / Portland areas. Where I finally land will probably be determined on where I can get a job.
Last week, my brother's family came to stay with me for a few days. 5 women and me in my house and running around Houston. That was an experience.
My sister-in-law has the drive and energy that I wish I had. Anytime you travel with her, you see a lot of stuff, but you'll be wore-out by the end of the week. (a good thing as far as I'm concerned)
One of my sister-in-law's travel goals is to visit all of the Presidential Libraries. I'd already been to President Truman's outside of Kansas City. This time we went to President Bush's (Senior). It was pretty good, but I think one of the highlights for me was seeing (and touching) some sections of the Berlin Wall.
After a few days of running around the Houston area, we headed over to San Antonio. While there, we saw Sea World where I got to feed / pet some dolphins and watched Shamu do his show. It was more impressive than I expected.
And the entire family managed to get soaked more than a couple of times. I felt like a little kid.
We also stopped by the San Antonio River Walk (and ate at Dick's--the most vulgar restaurant I've been to), saw the Alamo and some old Spanish Missionary sites.
But the real reason for the trip was Lackland AFB for my nephew's BMT (Basic Military Training) graduation.
If I was younger, I'd give serious thought about joining the military. The exactness and discipline really appeals to me.
What Now
Well, I'll probably spend the weekend studying for those certification exams. I think an old friend is in town, so we'll probably grab some dinner. And it looks like dad is coming into town sometime soon to help me work on the house.
Nothing exciting, but enough to keep me kinda busy.
BTW: never make pancakes from the mix. You can make buttermilk pancakes from scratch without much extra effort and they will be as good if not better than anything you've ever had. Yum!