03 July, 2006

Health Woes

You know it wouldn't be my blog without me bitching about my health. It's to the point that I feel like a hypochrondiac. (I would give anything if that was actually the case, tho)

So, the other day, I was at the dermatologist for an unrelated, simple little thing. That's when she noticed something a little "unusual" and got some lab tests done. It turns out that I had a "compound nevus with mild to moderate abnormal cellular activity." In other words, pre-cancerous skin lesions. Fuck me.

So, I got to make a trip to a plastic surgeon to have it cut out. (it was a plastic surgeon because it was on my temple and they were trying to keep me from having a huge scar) He did one hell of a good job. He had to remove a piece of skin about the size of a quarter, and I'll bet the scar is almost un-noticable in a month or two. It didn't even hurt other than a little soreness the next day. (I've got a picture of the stiches, but it might be a little gory for some, so I'll leave it out)

Now I've got another appointment to see the dermatologist the week after next to check some other shit out and probably cut out some other stuff. It sucks, but so far it's been early and benign, so I probably got lucky this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.