04 March, 2007

Pilot's Log : Hours 14.7 - 15.6

Short flight today.  The schedule was a little behind, so I used my flight to help the airport catch-up.

Still no solo.  The wind was close to a full headwind, but was a little heavy--14 kts gusting to 22.  That meant it was pretty bumpy up there.

Again, we worked on takeoffs and landings.  Short-field takeoffs and landings.  Soft-field takeoffs and landings.  No-flap landings.

As is becoming a standard with my flights--my first couple landings were great.  (my CFI called my first one "perfect")  However, it seems like the longer it gets into my flight, the progressively worse my landings get.  I don't know what the deal is.  Maybe it's just my CFI giving me progressively harder landing scenarios.  I'd say that I'm overthinking it, but that's definately not it.  I keep forgetting stuff here and there, so that can't be it.

In any case, I'm more and more comfortable in the air.  Every day, my CFI keeps saying "all we are waiting for is a calm day" in reference to my solo.  He actually seems a little annoyed/impatient that the weather hasn't allowed that yet.

I'm starting to agree.

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