20 May, 2007

Pilot's Log : 30 - 31.3 Hours

It's been a couple of weeks since I've flown, so I'm a bit rusty.  No worries tho--good stuff today.  We just worked on my short- and soft-field takeoffs and landings.  That's just what it sounds like.  There are slightly different procedures for taking off and landing on short or soft runways.

On my first short-field landing, I had 3 or 4 different airplanes waiting to takeoff, so I had a bit of an audience and absolutely nailed it.  That was a good feeling.

BTW: I'm putting that new nifty little camera of mine to use and uploaded some pictures to Flickr.  Check them out and let me know what you think.

On my next solo, I'll take some pictures with the cockpit lit-up and up in the air.

BTW II: I added a couple more airports to my list of places I've landed.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Try not to freak me out too bad ok? : )