16 March, 2009

Random Updates

Things are going well here. Let's see...

Bonus check came and went. It felt good for those 5 minutes that I had that fat check.

Not Again
Yep, it's that time again. Behold, the evil barium:

And they are running about 2 hours late getting people in for CT scans. That means that I'll probably be here until 8 PM or later. Ug.

C is for 'Cookie'
This weekend I'm heading up to Oklahoma to see the fam. All of my nieces and nephews will be there. And from the sounds of it, I'll be spending all weekend baking cookies with the little ones. Sounds like fun to me.

If I have time before I leave, I'll see if I can find an old copy of something like 'Where the Wild Things Are' so I can read it with the kids.

Is nobody besides Steph blogging any more? Commenting? I haven't heard crap from you folks for a while...


Skept said...

I have been a blog slacker for the past couple of weeks. not sure why, really.

cyclefreaks said...

Cory's been a blog slacker for the past two years. ;)

You blog in spurts. I'd quit checking after seeing the birfday post for a couple weeks. But I always come back. :)