05 June, 2009


Ok, that was a full couple of weeks.

First, I took a 4-day Memorial Day weekend to head up to Oklahoma and spend some time with friends hanging out at a cabin and then a weekend BBQ while lounging by the pool.

This previous weekend, I flew up to Indiana to hang out with the family. My nephew had probably the most stressful and full week of his life. He had his high school graduation, the giant family cookout that goes along with that, got married, bought a car with his wife, moved her into the house and left for boot camp.

And with all of that going on, we found time to sneak out and see some sights. I finally bought Left 4 Dead at a flea market and spent some time at the Exotic Feline Rescue Center where I got as close as I ever hope to get to some very large cats.

Very cool.

And during that time, I made my way through a good recommendation of Drain's--Lamb: The Gospel of Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. A heck of a laugh if you have a sense of humor about Christianity. (I'd offer it up for loan, but someone already grabbed it after hearing me laugh frequently when reading it)

1 comment:

Candice said...

Oooh kitty!