02 November, 2007


So, everyone knows that I go into the hospital every 8 weeks to get my nice meds dripped-in. All is good. The sucky part is that a few days before that happens, I get really, really fatigued.

Apparently it's a common symptom and nothing bad. But, man it sucks when it hits. It's like I ran a marathon yesterday and only got a couple hours of sleep last night.

I'm guessing this weekend I'll probably spend about 80% of the time crashed on the couch. It's not a bad thing. I'm finally getting to the point where I've accepted it as a part of the process and don't feel nearly as guilty about being "lazy".


Angie said...

I totally, completely understand. I have RA and when it flares, sometimes I think the fatigue is actually worse than the pain. I feel like I could deal with the pain if I wasn't so wiped out. Going through that right now... so my heart goes out to you!

Candice said...

Never think of a nap as being lazy! : )
Please take it easy.

cyclefreaks said...

Being pregnant has forced me to accept the being lazy thing with a little bit of ease... I don't beat myself up for not working out. I just hope that doesn't mean that once the baby comes and I NEED to work out I won't...

Crash on the couch and enjoy every minute of it...