16 June, 2009


I've been putting it off for longer than I care to admit, but I finally found a way to get me in the gym on a regular basis. I hired a personal trainer. It's not nearly as fancy as it sounds, but knowing that I'm paying someone to get in shape effectively is enough to make sure I go in for every appointment.

Man, and those guys know how to make you hurt. 30 minutes is enough to make me wish I'd never seen that gym before. But it's good. I don't know if it's a placebo effect or not, but it seems like my metabolism is already kicking-up a bit. I must have had 4 or 5 meals on Saturday.

Bonus: sometimes they page employees over the speakers at the gym. Twice now, I've heard "Robert Paulson, please come to the front desk."

Every time I hear that, I stop what I'm doing, look up and say "his name was Robert Paulson." (and then I giggle for a second)

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