Well, I got power back on Monday. So, Tuesday, Dad and I headed back to the house. It's nice to start getting back to normal. I'm currently working from home--waiting on the insurance adjuster to show up and give me an idea of what it will cost to get the house back to 100%.
Healing from the surgery is taking a lot longer than I'd hoped. I'm up and around, but still slow, weak and don't have much energy. I think I lost about 10-15 pounds and it shows. I'll get it back, but it'll take a while. At least things are headed in the right direction.
Right now I'm focused on getting life back on track. The house really needs to be cleaned and I've got a completely empty fridge that needs to be restocked. And as slow as I am right now, this is going to take a while...
BTW: I find out next week the results of the biopsy during the surgery. Depending on what exactly was attached to that lymph node they took out, I could be done or I could be in for another round of chemo. (or some third option I'm not aware of) I'll post whenever I hear the results.