It took me and one other guy from the office until mid-day on Christmas to get it fixed. So, for the first time I can remember, I didn't get to spend Christmas Day with either friends or family. Even Mouse (the cat) was in boarding. Kinda sucked.
But it was just a bit of a delay. It turns out that nobody else is on the road on the 25th, so traffic was really light. And I got to spend the last half of the drive enjoying the solitude of rural America at night.
Even though it was something like 30 degrees and windy, I had to take a couple of minutes right before I pulled into the folk's place to stop the car and enjoy a couple of minutes outside in the absolute quiet and dark. Living in a city the size of Houston, it's easy to forget what true dark and quiet is like. The stars on clear nights like that are amazing.
I got to catch-up with the family in Kansas City the next day. We got some really, really cheap rooms staying at a Marine Base. That was kinda cool.
We didn't do anything especially cool, but we stopped by a couple of notable places.
(* ok, this was the first part of a longer post, but it's getting late and I've still got some other stuff to do tonight, so I'll finish this up later...)
Dude, I didn't even see a mention of seeing the Bloyd's, and Cheney's! : )
It wasn't an intentional slight. Like I said, it was getting late, so I just posted it as-is. Unfinished.
I'm just so happy that you posted I don't care that you didn't mention us. :)
After telling Mark all the ways he wasn't a man I thought it would be fair to give you a little shit ; )
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