27 January, 2009

Quick Health Update

Ok, I'll keep this one short. I wouldn't even write one, but I just got a little inspiration that I wanted to share and get feedback on.

Part of my personality is that when I get into a habit or start something new and interesting, I sometimes go *way* overboard. As is relevant to this story, I sometimes do this with music.

As it happens, when I was first diagnosed with cancer and checked into the hospital for the first week of treatment, I'd just downloaded the newest Jack Johnson CD. And since it's not too bad and very calming music, I listened to it a heck of a lot during that week.

But now, whenever one of the tracks from that CD comes around on the iPhone when I'm working (as it just did), it's like I'm back in the hospital. I can see my room. I can feel the IV in my arm. I can remember that one bum wheel on my IV machine. I can even smell that cleaner they use. That's a heck of a memory trigger. Does anyone else have memory triggers that strong, or is it part of my obsessive "trigger-creation" by listening to the same CD over and over?

Anyway, I went it for my last round of tests / scans the other week. My doc says that everything looks good and he's moved out my schedule so that I only have to go in every 4 months. (that's a good thing)


Andia said...

Good to hear you are getting good news from the docs.
My triggers are more of smells. Drakker(sp?) reminds me of 7th grade school dances. And then the smell of A & F perfume reminds me of my partying days. Funny how the brain works. One of the songs that does trigger a memory for me is The Humpty Dance. Reminds me of 7th grade summer. My best friend coming over and staying for a couple of days, picking home grown tomatoes and how painfully hot the days were.

Candice said...

Songs to the same thing for me. Music has always been a big part of my life and songs always take me back to different memories.

Every 4 months? That's great news! We really need to celebrate.

Okjerm said...

Chumbawamba's Tubthumping always makes me flashback to Turkey in the Air Force. The Brits had a pub in the middle of tent city and they played the song every 30 minutes. We drank enough that it didn't phase us.