03 March, 2009

An Excuse to Use My Camera

For those of you that live in that part of the country, what's the big deal with Dunkin' Donuts coffee? I tried a pound and I really dislike it. It tastes very strange to me.

Dunkin on left, good coffee on right

That's what I image Senka would look like. (if Senka ever actually exists in a bean form)


LiErin said...

Well, buying the beans and brewing at home is your problem! They only put the crack in the stuff they brew onsite. Controlled substances and all.

(Seriously. Crack-cocaine is the only logical explanation we have found for the popularity and addictive nature of D'N'D. That and the convenience factor of having two stores on every block.)

cyclefreaks said...

I can't imagine that it tastes any good in any form but what do I know. My crack has to be filled with sugar and syrups and whipped cream...