17 March, 2009

...and that's good enough for me

Ok, so I probably need to rename this as a picture blog. But seeing as how nobody is reading anymore, I guess it doesn't matter... :)

I haven't made cookies for years. Maybe not since I lived in Tulsa. And if I remember right, the last time I tried, it didn't work out so well.

So before I ruin cookies with the little ones this weekend, I thought I'd try a practice run.

Personally, I'm a fan on the thinner, crisp-edged cookie.

As always, Alton Brown guided me to some cookies that look like they might be worth something.

Oh man, those are cooked exactly like I like them. I can't believe it actually worked.

I tried half semi-sweet and half milk chocolate chips. It's a little different, but I kinda like it. Different textured and flavored chocolate in the same cookie.

I can see why people like cookies so much.

Note: I got my test results back today and there's still no sign of the cancer returning.


Mark said...

We read...

greenGuru said...

Ah. So you're saying that I need to up the ante on my content, eh?

Drain said...

That's good to hear - I always wonder how Alton Brown's recipe modifications come out.

Oh, and it's nice to know about the cancer results too. :)

cyclefreaks said...

I'm a fan of thin crisp cookies too, but my favorite would be the big ball of dough from the first pic. :)

Candice said...

Dude, why is the Note: about cancer so small and at the bottom? Not that I'm not all about the cookies but shouldn't that have a BIG FAT post of its own?