09 May, 2009

Boy Scout Motto

As I alluded to in a previous post, I've been wanting to learn to live a simpler life. It's part of a broader plan to make me more self-sufficient in less-than-ideal conditions. (plus, I enjoyed camping)

And although the idea is to be less reliant on material items, my plan does require a little gear. This weekend, I picked up a critical piece of that equipment. REI was having a sale, and they had North Face's Big Fat Frog 24 on sale.

I thought it would be fun to take it for a test drive this evening, so I set it up in the back yard.

It went up in record time with almost no effort. The real selling point for me is the rain fly / vestibule.

Even though this is a small 2-person tent, this gives me plenty of room to stash my gear.

I think it's about time to grab the LED headlamp, a book and head out for the night.

1 comment:

cyclefreaks said...

that thing is sweet!!