19 June, 2009


I went to MD Anderson this morning for my regular check-up. The good news is that my primary cancer marker has stayed-put. The bad news is that my liver function is whacked. (I'm not sure if that's the *exact* medical term they used, but that should suffice)

They don't know what that could mean, so they want me to come back in next week for a CT scan to see if there's anything funky re-growing. (that's one possible answer--and they one they are obviously pre-disposed to worry about)

A little Googling (and we all know that Google is as good as world-class medical specialists) indicates that this *could* be caused by my time at the gym. Intense physical exercise can cause liver function tests to look bad.

So, this could be anything, or nothing at all--they don't know yet. (or aren't saying)

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't sweat this a bit. One funky liver function test isn't something that I would let bother me. But with my history, I can't seem to help from freaking out a bit.

Fun fact of the day: because of my type of cancer, one of the blood tests I have done is a pregnancy test. (I am now prepared for the onslaught of jokes...)


Mark said...

We will commence jokes this upcoming weekend.

Candice said...

Keep us posted

cyclefreaks said...

I had a test come back with liver functions TOTALLY out of whack once, and freaked out over it only to discover it was a lab error. So, not that it helps but try not to worry.

We love you man!