25 September, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 4

Well, I almost can't believe it. I've lived for over a week on a bit more than 4 hours of sleep per day and I feel good.

I don't know if it's continuing adjustment or the nifty iPhone app I blogged about (that's the problem with multiple variables in an experiment), but waking up this morning was really easy. I never thought that waking up before 3AM would be easy.

My naps are getting easier as well. About half of the time, I wake up about 3-4 minutes before the alarm. I don't remember my dreams quite as well as when I started, but I still have them. The idea of having full dreams during a 20-25 minute nap still seems strange.

Unfortunately, I've mentally adjusted to the idea of being awake for the extra 4 hours of the day. It's not a novelty like it was when I first started. It's just become part of my routine. And I'm kinda sad about that. I enjoyed that feeling of "cheating".

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