06 October, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 5

Well, I've learned a bit more since the last update. Once you get started, the sleep schedule is not very flexible at all. If you miss a nap or move it by more than a couple of hours, it causes real problems.

I've been getting complacent and not taking my new schedule seriously. At some point, I got a little arrogant and thought that I could just sleep when I wanted and still keep those extra 4 hours.

I've been charting my sleeping over the past few days (yes, I'm a data dork) and I've been over-sleeping more and more. I've been skipping naps and scheduling them only when they are convenient. And when I'm awake, I'm more tired than have been.

I actually got to the point over the last couple of days where I've been wondering if it's worth it. But now I think it's just that I haven't been faithful to the schedule. I'm re-doubling my effort and getting back to a strict schedule.

I really love my extra time during the day, and I don't want to give it up. I just need to discipline myself. If I want these extra hours, I have to work for it--it doesn't come free.

(However, I think when I'm camping in the Ozarks this weekend, I'll probably revert to a monophasic sleep schedule for those few days. Otherwise, I'll be awake for most of the night and there isn't much to do when you're sitting in the woods in complete darkess for hours.)


Mark said...

Or... is there?

Skept said...

dude, I'd resent the inflexibility of the nap schedule.

That said, sometime in the near future, I'm going to do the siesta one. I can easily get a 20 min nap in during the day.

jorel314 said...


Just wanted to let you know that I featured your blog on my site.


Happy napping!