14 February, 2009

Dead trees

As many of you know, one of my addictions (so to speak) is books. I don't even want to know what I spent at Amazon and Barnes & Noble last year.

But in an effort to reign-in spending a bit, I started looking for alternatives. The electronic books just aren't up to my standards yet. (although the new Kindle is getting closer--there just needs to be a better selection of books)

There are a couple of used book stores near me, but their selection is very hit-or-miss.

So I signed-up for SwapTree.com last month. Basically you list what books you are willing to trade and then what books you want. After that, the website periodically matches your want/have list with other people's and sends "trade invites". If you accept, you just mail your book to the other person and they do the same. Easy stuff. No "transaction fees" or anything stupid like that.

It's worked really well so far. It's not instant gratification, but I've got like 5 or 6 "new" books for something like $15 worth of shipping costs.

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