20 September, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 1

Ok, it's been 3 or 4 days. (I'm haven't been counting)

So far, the sleep deprivation hasn't been as bad as I thought it might be. The only real problem I've had is the tendency to not want to wake up from my mid-day naps. (I wake up and am so tired that I want to take another 25-minute nap)

This morning was the first time I've woken up after my 3 hours of core sleep and felt really awake. It's 3:30 AM and I had my morning cup of coffee about 20 minutes ago. Right now, I feel like I got a full night's sleep. I think I'm adjusting.

Now that I've talked about the cause, let me talk a bit about the effect.

It's really strange to have an additional 4 hours every day. After 30+ years of being awake for only 16 hours a day, it's a very strange sensation to increase that to 20 hours.

The first day, it felt like the day would never end. (I'm sure half of that was just because I was tired) Now it just feels like the day goes very slowly. Actually, it feels like the world is moving in slow-motion. (I assume this is because of how the brain is rationalizing changes to my schedule)

One of the other things I've noticed is how much the quality of the food I eat affects the quality of my mid-day naps. If I eat something heavy that's hard to digest, it's much more difficult to wake up from my nap and consequently, I feel groggy until the next nap. To help avoid this, last night I went to the store and bought a bunch of fruit and had that for dinner.

So, I'm pretty happy so far with this experiment. If I continue to adjust and more mornings are like this, I'll definitely continue this for a while.

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