24 September, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 3

Well, yesterday didn't work. For some reason, I completely missed my alarm that was set for around 1:30AM and didn't wake up until almost 4:30AM. It felt strange to sleep that late. And since I had already screwed-up the day, I took a leisurely afternoon nap. (why not?)

Today, I'm back on my schedule. But I tried a new iPhone application that functions as an alarm clock.

The interesting thing about this application is that it uses the iPhone's accelerometer to sense how heavy you are sleeping (by how much you move) and wakes you up during your lightest period of sleep during a 30-minute window of when you set the alarm.

It worked well this morning. I set the alarm for 3:30AM and it woke me around 3:25AM. I was still pretty groggy until my first cup of coffee, but I didn't feel the need to hit the snooze button or go back to bed. That's an improvement that's easily worth the $0.99.


Mark said...

So how do you keep the phone on your person while sleeping? In your pocket?

And uh... what if you don't have any pockets while you sleep?

greenGuru said...

It laid next to my pillow.