22 September, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 2

I'm still continuing to adjust. At this point, I feel like I'm at about 90% of the energy level of when I get a full 8 hours of sleep. I think a few more days and I'll be at or near 100%.

It's been about a week now, and I'm functioning just fine on almost half my normal sleep. There's no way I could have lasted this long if there wasn't some kind of truth to this methodology.

If I understand the process correctly, my brain is doing a good job of adjusting to getting quickly into REM sleep during my naps. In just 25 minutes, I often have full dream sequences and often remember them when I wake up. (I've never had that before)

My naps are getting easier and more integrated into my regular schedule. My biggest concern is still how I'll integrate them into my life long-term. When it's Sunday afternoon and nothing is going on, it's easy to sneak in a nap. But taking 3 naps a day, every day is a different thing.

Still, the most pervasive influence on the quality of my sleep is the food I eat. If I eat heavy or unhealthy food, my naps really suck and I have a hard time waking up after 25 minutes. If I eat light and healthy, I usually wake up feeling refreshed.

And speaking of food, I've started eating a forth meal. I really don't like eating another meal because I doubt I'm burning enough calories to justify it, but I keep getting hungry. I'm trying to eat something really light for at least one meal so not to gain weight. (bowl of fresh fruit or some Gorp)

So, while I can't yet speak to any long-term consequences, I have to say that I'm fairly convinced that polyphasic sleep works. I can't help think that the only reason--and it's a good one--it hasn't been more adopted is because it's hard to integrate naps into a busy life. But if you can, this might be something interesting to try.


Candice said...

What the hell is Gorp?

greenGuru said...

Sorry, that's just trail mix. Adam introduced me to the term.