02 January, 2007

2006 / 2007

Yeah, I know.  I've been lax in my blog again.  What can I say?  The holidays were busy.  I haven't had much time since Thanksgiving.  I don't know how people with kids do it...

So, I won't spend much time re-hashing 2006.  It's all about looking forward.

As is my recent custom of sitting down at the end of each year and planning the next, I used Christmas Day to do just that.  (please don't call them "resolutions"--that word has way too many negative connotations that I don't think apply at all)

This is what my table looked like when I was about halfway through my planning.  As usual, I'm sure only about 1/2 to 2/3 of the stuff will even get close to being done, I'm starting ambitious.

I probably have about 15 large goals to be completed sometime during the year.  And since I've read that telling people about your goals will help you reach them (nothing like embarrassment and guilt for motivators), here are a few select goals:

  • Decide if I want a to work somewhere else and, if so, get that job.  (I'm heavily contemplating leaving my current company)
  • Completely debt-free (except mortgage and plane--if I decide to buy one)
  • Read 12 non-technical books (I probably didn't even make that modest milestone in '06)
  • Rebuild my cooking skills and eat at least 4 homecooked meals/week (I used to be a decent cook, but being single has reverted me to "single cooking")
  • Go visit 2 of my good friends that I've promised to see but haven't for a very long time

There are lots more, but they are a bit personal.


Candice said...

Get to work reading Harry! : )

Anonymous said...

I nominate myself to enforce the last goal. And I might even send you a book for the third one..