21 February, 2007

Pilot's Log : 3rd Class Medical Certificate

Success!  After lots of paperwork, coordination between doctors and hospitals and too much time standing disrobed in front of a guy I'm not dating, I got my certificate!

As I mentioned earlier, I think this was my only hold-up from soloing.  I've got 2 flights this weekend, so I'm really hoping I get a chance.  I won't push it, tho.  My CFI will tell me if I'm ready.

19 February, 2007

Pilot's Log : Blow Me

Crap.  Winds at 10 kts, gusting to 20 kts.  It was a toss-up if I should fly or not.  I've always read "don't fly beyond your ability."  That's how planes crash.  And since I was supposed to work on precision landings today, I would have had plenty of opportunities...

18 February, 2007

Must. Post. Something. Else.

Ok, a short break from flying-related posts. (see below for the latest one)

Please allow me to point you towards the Urban Dictionary. For a quick intro, just click on the Urban Word of the Day. I rarely laugh out-loud at things I read on the Internet, but this site literally had tears coming down my face. A couple of examples of the UWOTD:
  • I'm not gay seat
  • cruiser spooning
  • unprotected sleep
  • Pilot's Log : Hours 8.8 - 10.7

    Yeah, this is a twofer.  I had a flight on Thursday morning and again this morning.  I've got another one tomorrow afternoon.  My credit card is about to self-immolate.  All I can say is: "we don't need no water, let the m-f'r burn".

    22 landings.  I've performed 22 landings in the last 1.9 hours.  I don't fear them anymore--I'm just trying to get better at them.  (landing with a crosswind is a real bitch)

    I think my CFI wants to solo me.  The problem now is my health.  (what's new?)  To fly, you have to get a 3rd Class Medical certificate.  I thought it would be no big deal since I generally lead a "normal" life--it's not like I had heart surgery and they are worried about my heart giving out during some bad turbulence...

    But according to the doc, Crohn's is a disqualifying condition.  That means that I have to file for a "Special Issuance" from the FAA.  My AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) is doing that for me and he's fully confident that the FAA will accept it, but it's taking a while and costing a boatload of money.

    Soon.  Soon the skies will be mine and mine alone.

    07 February, 2007

    Pilot's Log : Hours 7.3 - 8.8

    Better and better.

    Today we learned about "ground reference maneuvers". This is where I fly around things on the ground in certain patterns. (rectangles, loops, 8's) In addition to other things, this teaches me how to fly "outside" the cockpit--don't spend all of my time watching the instruments. (I have a problem with that) It also teaches me how to feel for the right wind corrections. I didn't do too badly here, but I was able to hold my altitude (something else I've had a real problem with) with almost no conscious effort.

    He also started me on emergency procedures. While we were flying back to the airport, my CFI randomly reached over and cut my throttle to idle and said "you engine just died--what are you going to do?" In my standard foot-in-mouth way, I explained exactly every step I would do, but didn't actually do a damn thing. After a few seconds of listening to me, he asked if I was actually going to land the plane or keep explaining while we crashed... Oh well, I'll get to practice that a lot more.

    My big accomplishment was that I got to do some landings. I'd already landed 18 times (yes, they keep count), and was starting to understand what I was doing. This time, my CFI let me land with minimal instruction. I got in a total of 5 landings and he seemed somewhat pleased with my improvements. My big problem is that last 10 feet. I can do everything else, but actually putting the wheels on the ground is something that's taking me a bit. Let's just say my landings are "rough". I've made it every time and haven't freaked-out the instructor, but I've still got some learning to do.

    02 February, 2007

    Pilot's Log : Hours 6 - 7.3

    I'm getting better at this. I know it sounds like a small accomplishment, but I can actually get off the ground without my CFI having to say a thing. Even landings are better. I did a total of 4 today and I'm not scared shitless anymore. I'm actually starting to understand what I'm doing. However, they are still a real challenge--my 3rd landing was about 150ft past where I should have touched-down. (so I had to go for a 4th just so I didn't end the day like that) But rather than freaking-out and thinking that I'm going to crash, I just get pissed that I'm not doing it right.

    We did most of the same as last time: slow flight, power-off stalls, power-on stalls. But for the first time, it felt really good. My instructor got to spend time telling me how to improve--not instructing me how to perform the maneuvers. It finally felt like a 2-way thing. I'd actually know an intelligent question to ask and then completely understand what he way saying.

    I think I finally had the "light bulb" moment--rather than flying blindly, I'm starting to understand what is happening.

    Weather-permitting, my next flight is Monday morning. Next time we'll be doing ground reference maneuvers.

    01 February, 2007