02 February, 2007

Pilot's Log : Hours 6 - 7.3

I'm getting better at this. I know it sounds like a small accomplishment, but I can actually get off the ground without my CFI having to say a thing. Even landings are better. I did a total of 4 today and I'm not scared shitless anymore. I'm actually starting to understand what I'm doing. However, they are still a real challenge--my 3rd landing was about 150ft past where I should have touched-down. (so I had to go for a 4th just so I didn't end the day like that) But rather than freaking-out and thinking that I'm going to crash, I just get pissed that I'm not doing it right.

We did most of the same as last time: slow flight, power-off stalls, power-on stalls. But for the first time, it felt really good. My instructor got to spend time telling me how to improve--not instructing me how to perform the maneuvers. It finally felt like a 2-way thing. I'd actually know an intelligent question to ask and then completely understand what he way saying.

I think I finally had the "light bulb" moment--rather than flying blindly, I'm starting to understand what is happening.

Weather-permitting, my next flight is Monday morning. Next time we'll be doing ground reference maneuvers.

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