01 March, 2007

Pilot's Log : Hours 10.7 - 13.5

Landings and more landings.  I got a total of 21 in just in these two flights.  We were working on crosswind landings.  That's just when the wind is not coming from (more or less) the direction you are landing.  Damn, I'm just not getting them.  The bonus is that instead of just circling my airport, we took a couple of side-trips to Houston Executive and Sugarland Regional Airports.

I also finished my ground school.  I get my Monday nights back.  However, I think I'll come back for the field trip.  We are heading to Intercontinental Airport to visit the tower during their rush-hour.  I'm told it's really sweet.

My next flights are Saturday and Sunday.  My CFI has told me that the first day I don't have crosswinds, I'll solo.  I can't wait!

Bloyd sent me a cool YouTube video of crosswind landings, but I can't find it.  Instead, I'll leave you with this video of nasty crosswind landings.


1 comment:

Mark said...

Those landings were amazing. talk about very little margin for error, I could watch stuff like that all day.