14 September, 2007

NetFlix, Pan's Labyrinth and Morality

Have I mentioned lately how much I love NetFlix?  The idea is brilliantly simple: take something people do on a irregular basis (rent movies) and turn it into a subscription service.  And much like the much-lauded TiVo, they don't stop at selling you a product/service.  They keep the experience going and that's what's drawn people in as fans as much as paying customers.

For example, when I first started with NetFlix, I noticed that the emails I got telling me that my next movie was in the mail always got the delivery date wrong.  They said it would arrive on Wednesday and it was there on Tuesday.  A simple enough mistake--I guess my post office is a little more efficient than they thought.  And how could I honestly expect them to accurately predict how long it would take the USPTO to deliver that little red paper envelope?  But then they did something simple--they asked me when I got my movie.  They followed-up with an email asking "did you get your movie on Tuesday or Wednesday?"  After telling them a couple of times they suddenly were able to predict, with almost 100% accuracy, when my next movie would land in my box.

Simple.  Participation.  Rather than spend time and money trying to reverse-engineer the government entity that carries around letters, they asked for my help.  They got great data and a more engaged customer.

Next, I got a completely unexpected and unprecedented email.  They lowered the cost of my subscription.  I don't know why, and I don't care.  It wasn't much--something like $.50 a month.  But when was the last time you got a bill where they said they lowered your payment?

Lastly, they are on the cutting edge of content delivery over the Internet.  They've introduced "Watch Instantly" where I can--you guessed it--instantly watch movies from their catalog.  I demo'd it at the office the other day and it took 30 seconds from the time I opened my browser until I was watching a DVD-quality episode from season 2 of The Office.  Oh, and it's free.

So, the other night I was watching Pan's Labrynth on "Watch Instantly".  (and with my Media Center PC hooked-up to my TV, it was honestly a better experience and higher-quality than if I'd rented the DVD)  I don't know if it was the Negro Modelo I was drinking, but I had an idea and am wondering what everyone thinks about it.

Is morality simply a combination of love and empathy?  Are your good morals built from a lifetime of reactions to situations that happened to those you love and an extension of those situations to those around you in an empathetic fashion?

Anyway, it was a thought.  Feel free to tell me it's a not-very-well-thought-out idea or even that's it's been thought of before and as quickly dismissed.  It just seemed to fit.


cyclefreaks said...

Wow, from Robot Chicken to deep thoughts about morality. Man, you are all over the place!!

I'm avoiding answering the question. I'm at least aware of this.

I will ponder it and get back to you. :D

cyclefreaks said...

(PS: Did you love Pan's Labyrinth?)

Anonymous said...

Pan's Labyrinth was awesome... but to follow-up with the morality theme, morality has to be more than love and empathy, I think. If you stole a loaf of bread because you're hungry, I can empathize with you being hungry and I don't love you any less or more; it's different if you steal a car because you're bored.