That philosophy extends to the larger decisions in my life. When I bought a house, it was a standard 3-2-2 in a quiet neighborhood in the suburbs. When I bought a car, it was a reliable sedan.
Obviously, over the past year or so, I've been questioning how happy I've been with some of those decisions. Yes, they've made for a comfortable, safe life. But they are really boring.
Lately, I've been obsessing over my car. Now, don't get me wrong here--I love my car. It's in great shape, low miles, runs like a champ and has been paid-off for a while now. There's not a single thing wrong with it.
That is, other than the fact that it's a beige sedan. Why in the hell do I drive a beige sedan? Do I have kids to haul around? Am I that damn boring?
Ever since I saw this on the lot, I can't get it out of my head:

Shiny. Oh my, so shiny.
Isn't this what I should be driving?
I know all the arguments against this. Materialism is bad. (but isn't that why I work so hard?) There's nothing wrong with your current car--why another car payment? Don't buy new--it looses [x]% of value when you drive it off the lot.
But I just can't help myself.
So, the question is this: how much of a post-cancer mid-life crisis am I allowed? Is a 5-year car note too much? (yeah, I know the answers I'll get to this... i'm not stupid)