That philosophy extends to the larger decisions in my life. When I bought a house, it was a standard 3-2-2 in a quiet neighborhood in the suburbs. When I bought a car, it was a reliable sedan.
Obviously, over the past year or so, I've been questioning how happy I've been with some of those decisions. Yes, they've made for a comfortable, safe life. But they are really boring.
Lately, I've been obsessing over my car. Now, don't get me wrong here--I love my car. It's in great shape, low miles, runs like a champ and has been paid-off for a while now. There's not a single thing wrong with it.
That is, other than the fact that it's a beige sedan. Why in the hell do I drive a beige sedan? Do I have kids to haul around? Am I that damn boring?
Ever since I saw this on the lot, I can't get it out of my head:

Shiny. Oh my, so shiny.
Isn't this what I should be driving?
I know all the arguments against this. Materialism is bad. (but isn't that why I work so hard?) There's nothing wrong with your current car--why another car payment? Don't buy new--it looses [x]% of value when you drive it off the lot.
But I just can't help myself.
So, the question is this: how much of a post-cancer mid-life crisis am I allowed? Is a 5-year car note too much? (yeah, I know the answers I'll get to this... i'm not stupid)
those are pretty cool, Mr. Beige.
Thought experiment: Where could you travel to if you directed those car payments to a dedicated see-the-world fund?
I still say get the car. We came up with good reasons the other night!
Car! Car! Car! Car! Car! Car!
Sorry, I lost control of the Price is Right contestant in me for a second.
Oh my see the world trip or a fast and shiny car...... hmmmm....
I say get the car and a subscrption to National Geographic!
Still, I think Adam makes a damn good point. I don't do nearly enough traveling.
Like you don't get enough frequent flyer miles from your work trips to cover the fun stuff.
To quote the American Classic Risky Business, "Joel, you wanna know something? Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What the fuck" gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future."
I don't know why, but I think of you driving a beige car and then see that Altima picture and I think, "What the fuck."
Why stop with that car? Why not go for a Lotus? Or investigate the wait-list for Tesla Motors? :-) C'mon, if you're gonna go nuts, go all out. Otherwise, I like Adam's suggestion.
yeah, actually, these days, I concur with Adam. but then, your work sends you abroad...
Whoa, I wish my work sent me a broad.
(drum fill)
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