01 July, 2008

Round 4: Day 2

It was good to see everyone that could make it last weekend. To everyone else--expect a visit at sometime in the future. (although it may be a little while...)

I got checked-in yesterday and got my first infusion of chemo. This should be a little easier of a schedule. This time they start my infusions at 2PM instead of 11PM like last time. (that means fewer beeping IV machines and people in my room in the middle of the night)

It's been the same usual stuff so far. I've just been crashing in my room and staying glued to the laptop. I'll probably get bored of that in the next day or two and venture out. Maybe I can go keep the kids entertained like last time. (dangit--should have brought the mullet wig)


cyclefreaks said...

there you are. been awaiting a post!hope this round does the trick. Kaia cant wait to see you!

Drain said...

So you going to update everyone via Twitter like you did last time?