25 June, 2008

Here I Go Again

Yesterday, my 3-week "waiting period" was up. I went back in for blood tests and my cancer markers didn't move. That means round 4 starts on Monday. The doctor wasn't really surprised. He reiterated that when I originally checked-in I was really borderline between needing 3 and 4 rounds of chemo.

Just to make things easier, I'm going in-patient for the first 5 days. Yeah, it sucks to have an IV in 24/7, but it's easier than making that drive twice a day. (that was like 2-2.5 hours of rush-hour traffic every day)

And it sounds like in about 6-8 weeks or so, I'll have the surgery to remove the damaged lymph node(s). I learned why my doc isn't especially excited about me having that surgery--it's really invasive. They've done it a million times and I guess it's not technically complicated. But what they need to get to is behind a bunch of other stuff, so they've got to open me up and take some stuff out to get back there. Fun stuff.

And after that, I *should* be done. I'm starting to see an endpoint somewhere out there in the future.

1 comment:

Candice said...

So we need to party extra hard this weekend?