30 October, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep: Update 6

I've been out of this habit lately and am working on getting back to the routine.

I took a few days and went riding ATV's and camping in Arkansas with the family. A week later, I spent a long weekend in Oklahoma catching up with some people. So I decided to temporarily suspend the polyphasic sleep. It just seemed unfair to ask everyone to stop riding ATV's in the mountains a couple times a day so I could take a nap.

So I've been trying to get back into it. And I've got to say that readjusting this time has been *much* easier. My only real stumbling block is that when the alarm goes off, I have a habit of hitting "snooze" several times. (I'm just too darn comfy in bed)

That started to annoy me, so I stayed up late last night and wrote an alarm clock application for my laptop. I set the alarm and pick an MP3 to have it wake me up to. When the alarm goes off, I have to answer 3 randomly-generated math questions. (i.e. "What is 37 + 24?") After I have answered all 3 correctly, the alarm shuts off.

It needs a little tweaking yet, but I can attest that it works. It's effective, if jarring.

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