14 April, 2007

Pilot's Log : Hours 20.1 - 21.2

Another very cool milestone. This was my first flight by myself. It did an excellent job reminding me why I love flying. I can't describe how liberating it was to be able to fly wherever I wished. (within a 25 mile radius...) I took off when I wanted and landed when I wanted. I can't wait to do it again.

This was also the first flight I was allowed to enter myself in my log. Before now, my CFI had to record all of my hours. I can now log them myself. (yeah, it doesn't sound like much, but it's another big moment for me)

On a more somber note, it looks like my CFI got a job somewhere else. I knew it would happen eventually, but it still sucks. I really like him and we get along well. I feel like I'm learning and he's a good teacher. Oh well.

I've got flight scheduled in about an hour, but it probably won't happen. The clouds are about high enough (2,200 ft), but the ~20 kt winds are inadvisable... I'll just have to try tomorrow.

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