14 October, 2007

Aberdeen: Day 2

In the middle of the journey of our life

I came to myself within a dark wood

where the straight way was lost.

- Dante

Sorry I've been out-of-touch, folks.  Internet connections at the hotel in Norway were extremely expensive and my days were very full...

I landed in Aberdeen yesterday afternoon.  Most of yesterday was spent re-exploring the city centre and having a few pints at the Tilted Wig.

Today saw a little more exploring, so my feet are sore.  Right now, it's late afternoon and I'll probably grab one of my co-workers and hit another pub for dinner in a couple of hours.

I've got to admit that I don't have much to say.  It's now been over 2 weeks "on the road"--living out of a bag in a hotel room.  I'm ready to head home.  I'm constantly restless and nothing seems to abate it.

I hope things are going well state-side.  Why is nobody blogging anymore?


cyclefreaks said...

That's what I'd like to know! I've been naggin the husband to post while he's not slammed, but to no avail. Jerm's been out gettin hitched and stuff. It's been a mighty boring bloop lately.

I can't imagine that much time on the road. I'd be dying to sleep in my own space with my little furry ones.

Candice said...

Furry ones rule!