26 October, 2007

Then and Now

I don't think it's news that my job has become less and less appealing to me as the months and years have passed. Not only do I work for a "big, evil" oil company (which will be addressed again in the future), my supervisory position took me out of being a true geek--I was a geeky boss.

That was fine for a while, but after putting-up with enough crap from employees and not getting to do any programming, I folded. I finally told my boss that I either needed to get back into a technical position or he needs to cough-up some serious money to try to offset my misery.

True to form, he did exactly what I'd hoped for. (and more, even) He got someone else and gave them my supervisor position. Even better, I don't even report to them. I still report to the big boss. And, best yet, I basically got the freedom to do what I want. Not completely, of course, but the last month has been filled with me getting to do what little projects I've been wanting to do but haven't had time. I come and go as I want and will even start working from home part-time. (that wasn't part of the deal I made, but I'll start in the next week or two anyway)

So, things are looking up. The long-term plan I've talked about before on the blog is still in-place, but at least I'll be much happier in the meantime.

One of the best parts is that I don't have to go to nearly as many meetings. For example, take a look at my weekly schedules: (blurred for privacy reasons)




Candice said...

You know I'm happy for you.

Angie said...

Very cool.

I set meetings for my bosses. And most days, the main boss has back to back to back meetings ALL DAY. But he's one of those guys that thrives like that. Your new schedule looks MUCH more appealing!