07 October, 2007

Norway: 3 Hour Tour

(I have the high-resolution versions of these pictures in Flickr if you're interested. Maybe I'll get a few more cleaned-up and post them at some point. I think I took about 150 pictures in the 3.5 hours of the ride.)
After a delayed start Saturday morning, I got to take my fjord tour. For those of you like me, who don't know much about fjords, here's a quick lesson: fjords are simply deep valleys dug by glaciers between mountainous sides. The fjord I toured was the Lysefjord. During the last Ice Age, approximately 10,000 years ago, Norway was covered in ice up to 2,000 meters thick. At that time, deep valleys were dug deep inland into Norway. One of the first things you might notice is how relatively green Norway is. Because of the Gulf Stream, Stavanger, and some of the western-most fjords, get very little snow during the winter. And while the summer's don't get too hot, they get lots of rain to keep everything growing. It was interesting to see giant rock formations everywhere completely covered by lush trees.
The particular tour I took put on quite a decent show. At one point, they stopped in a very isolated part of the fjords where someone drops off goats for grazing. They backed-up the boat and let the kids throw the goats some bread. And then, just a little farther down, they stopped by a fresh spring waterfall. They put a bucket on a pole, got some water and let everyone have a cup. Evian has nothing on the real stuff. (not even my square water is as good)
Anyway, it was an enjoyable trip and I'm glad I went.


Okjerm said...

Amazing pics. They all look like they could be 1000 piece puzzles.

I see why Slartibartfast won that award.

greenGuru said...

Thanks. Viewed at the right angle, this entire country looks like a postcard.

Candice said...

I'm right there with you Steph.

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