Now, on to the topic of hand: what the hell did I do this month?
At the first of the year, rather than do the usual year-long goal setting that usually only gets about a quarter done and just serves to haunt me, I decided to make it more of a monthly/weekly thing.
January's goal was to simplify my life. Everyone knows that I lead a relatively simple life to start with, so that was probably just the wrong way to word it. Really, it was to remove obstacles in my personal life. If there are things I want to get done this year (and in the rest of my life), I need to remove from my life the things getting in my way. Loose the things I don't need/want to do.
My time is valuable to me. A good book suggested that I quantify it. How valuable is my time? It makes answering questions like "doing x will save me 2 hours a week--is it worth it?" easier to answer. I found a little calculator online that gave me a number. Yeah, it's probably bogus since nobody pays me for my off-time, but it's somewhere to start.
What I actually got around to was a bit modest. Loosing a quarter of the month to a toothache didn't help. And most of the changes were small and wouldn't interest most people here on the bloop. (and some of them seem a bit *too* anal--even for me) But two of them will surely get you all calling me a giant nerd:
Several times every week, I'd turn on the TV and, not having anything good on the DVR, I'd flip through the channels and find something I wasn't that interested in, but I'd watch it anyway. Then I'd realize that I'd wasted the entire night watching crap I didn't even like that much. So, after several conversations with Adam trying to decide on the best solution, I replaced the cable box with an Apple TV. Now, with a click of the remote, I've got all my music / playlists / podcasts / pictures instantly. And I can subscribe to a couple of TV shows I really want to watch through iTunes.
So, I don't feel guilty for wasting time watching crap on TV and I'll be actually saving money in a few months.
I also think I figured out why I don't get more reading done. I put in a very small change, and that made a world of difference. I think I've read more this month than I have for the previous six.
So, the steps I've taken have been small, but they seem to be making a real impact on my life already. More than anything, I'm sure it's because I'm more consciously aware of what I'm doing, but I feel more focused and ready to tackle things than ever.