08 January, 2008

Shout Out

I wanted to give a quick shout out to the fuckers that stole my credit card number. I hope that shopping spree over the holidays were fun. Sounds like Visa is being cool and picking up the tab for that.

But if you screwed with my airline miles account, I'll be coming for you...


Andia said...

That sucks but at least your CC company is working with you. Do you know how they got it?

greenGuru said...

It was the $175 in iTunes charges (in one day) and the CarFax report I'm pretty sure I didn't order.

Angie said...

$175 on iTunes??? Geez. You'd think they would have gotten something GOOD, like, I dunno, electronics or something. I'm sorry to hear about this, but it's great your CC is working with you to clear it up.

Anyway - answer some questions... tag!