14 January, 2008

7 Degrees of Separation

I've been informed that I need to let everyone in on 7 things about me they don't already know.  But, as you're painfully aware, I am sometimes prone to divulging a little more than necessary on my blog.  So, this might take a little creativity and some reaching...

1. 90% of the time, I am utterly and completely disappointed with myself.  (might as well start out big)  I don't say this as a plea for sympathy.  I don't even view it as a negative.  While it's probably not the healthiest way to go about it, this is what drives my motivation.  It's why I'm always striving to do more--be better.  I'm afraid that if I ever stopped and looked around that I would wither and die.

"The lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul, and then walks grinning in the funeral."

2. As the antithesis to #1, I love my life. A while ago, I learned how not to be negative. Overnight (it seemed) the world was a better place. I don't know how or why, but I can't imagine being that bitter ever again.

3. My childhood best friend was accidentally shot and killed many years ago.  Even though I don't believe in God and an afterlife, I still talk to him every once in a while.  And any time I'm in that part of the country, I always make a secret detour to the visit his grave so I can sit and talk to him in person.  (and I still cry every time)

4. Before I got sick in Tulsa, I was a Hospice volunteer. It was one of the most fulfilling things I ever did.

5. I still think about the first guy I ever fell in love with. I'd still give up everything I have to be with him. (and I haven't seen or spoken to him in about a decade)

6. I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until like the second grade. (or maybe before then--I don't remember, but it took me forever)

7. I enjoy reading everyone else's posts. (sorry, I couldn't come up with a 7th)


Candice said...

You come up with amazing info and then finish with that? Come on!
I'm sorry about your friend.
So try to look the guy up, maybe he feels the same way about you.

greenGuru said...

Yeah, I'm sure there's more, but I just froze and couldn't think of anything else.

And the guy I'm talking about is completely straight. So it's a completely impossible situation--the perfect recipe for self-induced angst.

cyclefreaks said...

See, I told you it was hard! That number 7 is a killer. :)

Thank you for sharing...

Oh, and just for the record, I nag you about quitting smoking because I for one want to make sure my daughter gets to know you, so you have to be healthy and stick around. :)

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Okjerm said...

Ditto what that last guy said.

Angie said...

Very cool! I think it's awesome that you still talk to your friend - what better way to keep him alive in your heart than to talk to him?

Thanks for the info - it's always cool to get to know everyone a little better.