13 February, 2008

Norway: Week 2

Sorry for the lack of updates--there's just not much to say. I'm in the middle of my second week here and I still don't know if I'm coming home this weekend or spending next week in Scotland.

My days here have become incredibly routine. Wake up, go to work, go back to the hotel, eat dinner, read/surf web, go to bed.

I feel really guilty about this schedule. I'm in a foreign country, damnit. I *should* be doing/seeing things. I just don't know what to do/see. I've seen the "coolest" part of Stavanger. I've eaten all kinds of unusual food. I saw the fjords. I've visited the quiet little neighborhoods. I listened to live music and drank the beer. What's left?

Am I letting the inner introvert blind me to things I should be doing, or is there just not that much to do?

In any case, I've got a couple of more days here and then on to the next thing.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Have you asked the people at the hotel if there is anything they recommend?