25 May, 2008


I finally found out why chemo sucks. Man, round 3 has been rough. This is like day 10 and I think it's the first time I've felt anywhere near half normal. (and by "normal", I mean that I can actually get off the couch of my own free will without much pain)

I've got to admit that I've never felt this physically broken before. Everything is a challenge. Even eating a bowl of soup is enough to take the wind out of me and usually requires a 15-minute breather afterwards.

But my recovery is going as well as can be expected. I saw my PA on Friday and she was very pleased with my progress. So, it's all good--just a lot harder than before.

I've got one last chemo infusion next Friday and that should be it. The PA says that it will take me a couple of months to get back to 100%, but she seems very confident that I'll make a full recovery. Just lots of blood work and CT scans over the next couple of years to make sure this sucker is gone.


Candice said...

Let us know if we need to come help out or do anything for you. I'm sorry.

Skept said...

You know, I had every intention of calling you over the long weekend to check on you... The road to hell and all that.

I'll get it done this week. Keep on with the updates, even if you have to take a breather after you finish typing.