14 June, 2008

Why not?

Two Names You Go By? Boone and The Boone

Two things you are wearing right now? Jeans and a t-shirt

Two of your favorite things? (excluding people) Lappy and iPod

Two things you want very badly at the moment? The cancer to be
gone and a new car

Two favorite pets you have or had? Trog and Buddy (childhood dog)

Two people you hope will fill this out? Whoever is left that
hasn’t done this.

Two things you did last night? Went out for pizza and beer with the
guys and didn’t get enough sleep

Two things you ate last night? Pizza and really good pizza

Two people you last talked to? (two people from the office)

Two things you are doing tomorrow? Going to a friend’s anniversary party and trying to plan 2 future trips

Two of the farthest trips taken in the last 5 years? Stavanger,
Norway (farthest by hours) and Amsterdam, The Netherlands (farthest geographically)

Two favorite beverages? About any good lowland scotch whiskey
and an ice-cold coke in a glass bottle


Skept said...

not fair on the travel question, really, you douche.

Candice said...

Seriously, show off

greenGuru said...

Hey, not my questions, damnit.