19 April, 2008

Round 1: Done!

Yesterday I got my last infusion of chemo for this first round. The next round starts in a week. Looks like that will be 12-14 hours sitting in the hospital with a giant IV. But at least this time I'll get to head home and sleep there.

The last couple of days have been pure misery punctuated by a few hours of feeling decent. I've been up since 3 AM feeling like someone punched me in the stomach. About half an hour ago it finally started to pass. With any luck, I'll be up off the couch in a while. Until then, I've been making my way through season 5 of the X-Files.

At least the hour or two I felt well, I got to go to dinner with some of the guys here in town. It was nice to get out a bit and sit in a friendly social situation. I'm pretty sure that will happen less and less for a while.


Candice said...

Hooray for getting out with friends!

Anonymous said...

Ah, season 5. The glory days. I think I still have whole sections of "Bad Blood" memorized (yes, I was THAT much of an X Files freak). But all too soon, you'll hit that threshold of diminishing returns. I don't know that the X Files jumped the shark so much as slid quietly in and out of mediocrity. Much as it pains me to admit the show was ever less than perfect. I still went all giggly fangirl when Duchovny came to give a talk at my school two years ago. Here's hoping there's a hell of a lot more feeling decent, and at the very least more good tv and good company to to help with the not-so-decent times.

Skept said...

i still think it peaked at season 4...

but we do have the new movie to look forward to, don't we?

Boone -- be checking your doorstep. package en route. Also, hair's overrated. I've been losing my for years. And, hell, look at Mark.

Skept said...

mine, not my. goddammit.

Candice said...

Hee hee, sorry Mark, that's funny.

I'm home for a little while if you feel like chatting.