26 April, 2008

Round 2: Day 2

Sorry I haven't been blogging much. But this has turned into a bit of a routine, and *has* to be boring from an outside perspective. Good days, bad days and visits to the hospital. That's pretty much my life.

Right now, I'm sitting in the hospital. I've been plugged into an IV since about 8 AM and will be getting out around 5:30. I did that yesterday. And I'll do it tomorrow. And the day after, the day after that and the day after that. 5 days of this in total.

Honestly, I'm a little bored. Cory and Steph sent me an awesome stack of books. (thanks you two) But this part of chemo gives me the brain fog, so it's hard to concentrate on reading. (especially really good stuff like they sent me, so I don't want to "zombie" my way through them--they will be much more useful soon)

Mostly, I'm just a bit restless. Nothing bad--just not sure what to do. 90% of my life and activities revolve around my brain in some fashion. So when that's temporarily taken away, it confuses me as to what I should be doing. Yes Mark, I know what you'd probably suggest. And if I've got 3 more days of this, I might just have to... But only temporarily.

But I'm doing fine so far. The meds they are giving me seem to do a really good job of holding back the more unpleasant side effects. So, I've really go no room to bitch. I mean, I've got f'in *cancer* and I'm bitching about being bored. Boo hoo. Poor me. :)

1 comment:

Candice said...

I hate that. Don't have the energy or brain power to do anything but can't sleep.